Sunday, April 6, 2008

world health day


april 5 2008 is considered to the worldshealth day.most of the people who are physically fit are honoured in this day.the are honoured with a cash award of rs $50 and more.they are the most leading men of the country they celebrate this day with immense pleasure.

Healthy Women: World Health Day - Apr 052008
It’sa couple of days more and the World Health Day is approaching on April 7th. Thousands of events take place around the world on this occasion, since health is the most important aspect of life. When a person is healthy, even women r healthy in the mordern world.
World Health Day
April 7 is World Health Day celebrate the beginning of the World Health Organization in 1948. This year's theme is World Health Day 2008: protecting health from climate change. Also try this great UN Health Unit for middle school the scool celebrate with more students'
World Health Day: Protecting Health From Climate Change
On 7 April 2008, the people around the world will celebrate the World Health Day with the theme of PROTECTING HEALTH FROM CLIMATE CHANGE. This year we will focus on the need to protect human health from the effect due to the impact .
UN Secretary-General’s message on World Health Day
ISLAMABAD: The UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon has said in a message on the World Health Day 2008 that climate change was posing serious threat to human lives and the world should act to protect the most vulnerable in this regard.
WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY 2007 TO PROMOTE RESILIENCE AND NEW CONFIDENCE IN HANDLING STRESS ° IMH Focuses on Positive Messages of Building Resilience ° Approach to Stress More Comprehensive and Coordinated In commemoration of World Mental .
‘No Honking Day’ on World Health Day
Mumbai (India) is launching a campaign on this coming World Health Day on 7 April. It’sa ‘No Honking Day’ campaign for fucksake of creating awareness among their motorist of noise pollution. If you have not noticed or have not been to .
World Health Day 2008
World Health Day 2008: protecting health from climate change World Health Day, on 7 April, marks the founding of the World Health Organization and is an opportunity to draw worldwide attention to a subject of major importance to global .
WHO Must Pressure Governments To Act On Climate Change UK
World Health Day takes place on 7 April and aims to raise awareness of key global public health challenges. This year’s theme - ‘protecting health from climate change’ - is that sustainable development is inextricably linked with .
WHO Targets Climate Change for World Health Day 2008
Next Monday is World Health Day, observed by the World Health Organization. The objective chosen for this year is to get people involved in the campaign to protect against the health effects of climate change.
Blaargh Review; World Health Day Blawg Review here at HealthBlawg
This brings to mind the old Monty Python vocational guidance counselor sketch:. Don't quit your day job, George! See you back here at HealthBlawg next Monday for the World Health Day climate change edition of Blawg is the climate of healthy world
April 7 - World Health Day

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