Thursday, April 3, 2008

summer camp special

''summer camp special''

need of summer camp-

As a former Mishawaka camper, I used to take for granted that the benefits of a traditional summer camp were obvious. My experience here helped me in so many ways, from exposing me to activities not available in the cornfields of Illinois to giving me skills to thrive in a college environment. It may sound trite, but I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t draw on my experiences here as a camper. Many of my closest and dearest friends are ones I met here at Mishawaka.

Short of sending them off to college, sending children to camp is perhaps one of the largest ‘leaps of faith’ a parent can make. This point was driven home to me not so long ago when I held our newborn daughter for the first time. I turned to my wife, Julie, and said, “You mean people send these off to camp?” When the time comes, I know we will want to send our children to a place we feel confident they will be safe and supported, and whose administration and staff share our values.

To that end, I thought it might be helpful to share a little more about the idea of summer camp, as well as Mishawaka’s goals and program. I am always happy to talk with you as you finalize your summer plans, or put you in touch with campers or parent in your area. I am also more than happy to refer you to another program that fits your needs, if Camp Mishawaka is not a match.


Technology Camps
Computers Digital Photography Digital Video Flash Animation GameDesign/Networking Game Modding Hardware Robotics Rocketry WebDesign 3D-Design

Specialty, Scouting, & YMCA Camps
FitnessWeight Loss Spa Experience Military Winter & Spring Break After School Home School FamilyBoy ScoutsGirl ScoutsYMCACIT Program

Special Needs Camps
Asthma Burn Cancer Developmental Disabilities Diabetes Epilepsy Learning Disabilities ADD/HD Mainstream Physical Disabilities Speech/Hearing Visually Impaired

Religious Affiliated Camps
BaptistCatholicChristianEpiscopalJesus Christ of LDSJewishLutheranMethodistMormonMuslimPresbyterianQuakerSeventh Day AdventistNon-Denominational

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